“The best beekeepers are always learning and adapting their management plan to nurture their bees’ success.”
— Amy Musante
Ready to help your bees thrive?
Beekeeping Consultation
✓ one-to-one mentoring
✓ practical advice, encouragement, & support
✓ answers to questions or concerns
✓ assistance with inspections & observations
✓ help developing a personal beekeeping plan
✓ winter prep guidance (this needs to start in August!)
✓ able to cover any requested beekeeping topic
✓ keep your bees ALIVE & thriving
✓ to develop a sustainable apiary (so you don’t have to keep buying bees)
✓ identify & support colony needs
✓ identify pests, pathogens, & brood diseases
✓ space management & swarm prevention
✓ splitting or merging a hive
✓ mite monitoring & sampling methods
✓ integrated pest management (IPM)
✓ how to deal with a colony with Queen cells
✓ help catching a swarm
$75 per hour, plus travel time if applicable
Mentoring Options
In-Person Bee Yard
In-person mentoring consultations are the best option for most topics. Nothing can compare to first hand experience in the hives. The bees are always our best teachers! This format is best when you have specific questions about something you are seeing in your hive, if you want to learn a specific beekeeping technique, such as splitting your hive to prevent swarming, or help sampling for mites.
Remote mentoring consultations can take place using video conferencing technology. This format is particularly useful for discussion questions or developing an individually-tailored plan to address your beekeeping goals. It is also a good platform to provide background preparation for more complex techniques you later want impliment in person. It is useful to share photos when discussing unusual conditions, pests and pathogens in the hive. Google Meet and Zoom are the best platform options becasue they permit screen-sharing for Powerpoint slides and photos. (Pro-tip: when you see something you don’t understand in your hive, be sure to take photos!)
Virtual Bee Yard.
When time is of the essence and you have an immediate issue in your bee yard, a virtual apiary visit is the next best option to an in-person consultation. The primary constraint with this format is that it requires an internet connection that supports video conferencing technology in your bee yard. If your wi-fi connection reaches out there - great! If not, you may want to verify that you have a stable and functional cellular connection first. The most reliable option is FaceTime, but if you lack access to an iphone, other possibilities include Facebook Messenger Video, and Skype. Google Meet cannot be used for video meetups unless they are on wi-fi.
On-Demand Support.
On-Demand support provides you with prompt, priority access to me. This virtual support works like a pre-paid “calling card” but it allows you to utilze a wider variety of contact methods. You can call, text, email, video chat or arrange for a GoogleMeet/Zoom meeting. Like our Online consultations, it provides an opportunity to ask questions, address concerns, or receive input on something specific you see in your hive. The biggest advantage is that you can send a quick text and receive a quick response. So, if I am out in my bee yard when you come across something in your hive that you need help with, I am able to get you the help you need right away. Service permitting, you can certainly show me live via FaceTime or other video chat apps. If we are unable to connect via video chat, you may be able to call me and text the relevant photos or videos to me in real time. If not, you can always email them or we can arrange an online discussion time. On-demand Support is a fast, efficient method of getting answers to your questions ASAP.
On-Demand Support is available in 30 minute increments.
“Beekeeping is half science and half art. The science is acquiring knowledge and developing your beekeeping plan. The art is learning to use your knowledge effectively and knowing when you need to revise your plan.”
— Amy Musante