Looking for Help with Honey Bees?

Live Bee Removals, Beekeeper Training & Consultation, Delicious Raw Honey, & Honey Bee Nucleus Colonies

We produce superior Northern-raised Honey Bees

Our services.


Live bee removals

✓ non-toxic, environmentally friendly solution to bee problems

✓ established honey bee colony removals

✓ honey bee swarm removals

✓ all recused bees are relocated to our organic farm

✓ safe, reliable, efficient, and professional service

We can help you reclaim your space and peace of mind, while also saving the bees!

Beekeeper consultations

✓ one-to-one mentoring (in-person, online conferencing, or a virtual meetup in your bee yard)

✓ assistance with hive inspections

✓ answers to questions & concerns

✓ training on specific techniques

✓ help developing a personal beekeeping plan

✓ any requested topics

We can help you progress as a beekeeper and develop a sustainable apiary!

Educational Events

✓ beekeeper educational trainings and workshops (in-person and online)

✓ “Hands in Hives” in-person apiary educational meet-ups

✓ honey tastings

✓ pollinator garden planting & tours

✓ natural history, bird, & farm tours

✓ Musante Farm is also available as a spactacular event venue

We love to share our beautiful farm with you!

“The bee’s life is like a magic well: the more you draw from it, the more it fills with water.”

— Karl Von Frisch